President's Message
Dear Rich Cousins,I hope this newsletter finds you all healthy and in a safe place! Who would have thought that a virus would change our lifestyles so dramatically? In an article in the Desert News, on May 5th, 2020, entitled “Coronavirus: 10 ways we could be better when the pandemic is over”. The number 10th way was “We could lead less frenzied lives”!
I haven’t had this much calm in my life since I was 12, living with my grandfather, E. John Rich outside of St. Charles, Idaho in the summer. Every morning that we picked raspberries, I would awake at 3 am to the smell of my Grandpa cooking breakfast for me. I don’t know what time he arose, but from all the good food and the lunch he had prepared, I am sure it was early. The truck would stop to pick me up and I would walk slowly to the truck because of the bats flying and slightly hitting my hat. It was a busy morning picking raspberries until 10 am. Then back home for a nap, a swim in the lake with cousins, then to the baseball games in the evening. I enjoyed this carefree lifestyle through high school.
As an adult, before the Coronavirus, each day was packed with events, usually getting up, again, at 3:00 am, and not slowing from that time on. But now even though I am still busy helping family and friends, finishing projects, I don’t feel the chaos and the essence of my life has changed. Perhaps, for me, this virus has taught me to see and hear things with a different focus. I hope it has for you, too.
We have filmed another video about the Riches in Farmington and Salt Lake City, unfortunately my son, Paul, who is the producer, has been stuck in Anchorage the last few months. When he finally comes back, we will edited it and have it for sale on a flash drive along with the other videos that have been done.
Unfortunately, the virus has cancelled Paris Heritage Days, but we have included several articles and photos about some of the historic homes and courthouse in Paris, Idaho, and even a former Rich home going up for sale.
We are offering the Scholarships again and I hope the word will find all who are interested in applying.
May your life find added meaning at this unique time! Stay safe!
Success Always,
Linnea Whitaker